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How to Handle Your Top Retirement Planning Concerns
September 29, 2020

While retirement can be an exciting time to enjoy the things you have always wanted to do, it can also be a complicated time for people. There is a lot of planning that goes into guaranteeing financial security. How do you know that you covered all your bases so you can relax and live life […]

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Spend, Save & Invest Strategically to Finish 2020 Strong
September 17, 2020

Although it’s hard to think about that tax bill due next April, the strategic financial decisions you make today for your business can help to drastically minimize your tax burden at year-end. Consider these tips that let you invest strategically in your business and your future. Keep Your Financial Records Up to Date Reliable data is […]

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Texas Gulf Bank Celebrates 16th Anniversary of West Columbia Branch
September 14, 2020

For over 100 years, Texas Gulf Bank (TGB), MEMBER FDIC, has been a strong, stable, and financially secure independent bank thriving in both boom times and recessions. Situated near the Texas Gulf Coast, the West Columbia branch has worked to remain available to meet customers’ needs amid the global pandemic and recent hurricane threats. Despite […]

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Setting Your 2021 Business Budget During Times of Uncertainty
September 14, 2020

Little did anyone know as they sat down to craft 2020 budgets last fall that those plans would be destroyed by the end of the first quarter of this year. A global pandemic, plus forced work-from-home measures, and unpredictable safety protocol costs have forced most companies to move money from one budget to another quickly. Our […]

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What is Supplemental Security Income & Who is Eligible?
August 27, 2020

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income program funded by general tax revenues designed to help blind, disabled, and older adults who have little or no means to receive income. This program provides cash so those people who are eligible can meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.   Who is Eligible for […]

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Layers of Security Features Help Keep Online & Mobile Banking Safe for TGB Customers
August 20, 2020

Reliance on online and mobile technology has grown significantly over the past few months as people spend more time at home with limited in-person visits to local businesses. This means that multichannel support and interactive features become more important as customers need to communicate with their financial institution seamlessly.  However, the security of that sensitive […]

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Tips to Choose the Right Tax Advisor for Your Business
August 6, 2020

Your business tax return provides valuable insights into your company’s revenue, expenses, and annual growth. It is important that you choose a tax professional knowledgeable in current tax credit opportunities, deductible expenses, and employee taxation reporting. They must ensure your return meets the many requirements dictated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Below are several factors […]

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Prepare Your Office for the Safe Return of Employees
July 22, 2020

As business owners weigh the consequences of having employees return to the office, most are rightly concerned about the safety of their people. As we work to reopen the Texas economy, the challenge is to mitigate risk as much as possible with practices and policies that put employee safety first. This extends beyond just disinfecting the […]

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5 Tips to Work from Home Effectively
July 13, 2020

If you’re new to working from home full time, you could be in the midst of a significant adjustment right now. Many Texans found themselves unprepared to turn their living space into a dedicated workspace. If your spouse and kids are also home, this can make things a bit … crowded. For those who thrive […]

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Ideas to Help Your Children Understand Budgets & Saving
July 2, 2020

Teaching your children about money and budgeting requires patience, creativity and time. While it may not be easy, it is important that your children know how to manage their money successfully as they get older. Taking the time now is sure to pay off for their future. Below are a few ideas for teaching young […]

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