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BLOG CATEGORY: Business Management

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Personal Bank Account vs. Business Account: We Can Help
November 13, 2023

All small businesses begin with a basic idea for a service or product. Over time, the idea can quickly escalate into a full-time business operation. The challenge is that many small business owners choose to use their personal bank accounts for business transactions. However, this choice may result in financial, tax, and security ramifications for […]

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What to Know About 2022 Tax Season for Business Owners
April 6, 2022

For most small businesses in Texas, 2020 was the year of disruption, 2021 was the year of recovery, and 2022 is the year of getting back on track. This includes tax season 2022, which is back to a normal schedule of tax deadlines and filing dates. You recall the challenge of keeping up with various […]

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American Workers Searching for Jobs to Fit Their Post-Pandemic Lifestyle
July 8, 2021

Last year, the pandemic forced families to re-order their health, family, and work obligations. Schools closed. We experienced disruptions in child and eldercare. Congress came to the rescue, preventing a coronavirus recession from becoming a depression, giving millions of workers breathing room for the first time. Today, as the American economy comes back to life, it’s not […]

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Avoid These Common Small Business Start-Up Mistakes
June 25, 2021

Every day, hundreds of new businesses open their doors to new customers. Unfortunately, many of these businesses will fail within their first two years because of avoidable problems like an ill-conceived concept or not researching the competition. The decisions that you, as a business owner, make can sink or soar a brand. Here are some […]

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Things to Consider When Leasing a New Location for Your Business
May 24, 2021

Finding and securing a location for your business can be a major undertaking. The factors you need to consider when leasing commercial space touch on so much more than just the monthly rent. For instance, if you operate a retail business, the part of town you choose is critical because you are dependent on walk-in traffic. […]

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Creating a Public Relations Campaign for Your Business
May 10, 2021

Getting media exposure for your business can be very effective in bringing in new customers by spreading the word about what you have to offer. There are two general ways to get favorable coverage in the media: Advertising (buying space to deliver the message you want) and Public Relations (using the press to create content […]

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What to Include in a Robust Employee Benefits Program
January 17, 2021

An Employee Benefits Program can attract and motivate your employees to work hard for your business. While wages are the largest component of hiring negotiations, additional offerings are also important. Together with a good work environment, your benefits program may be the difference between an effective, steady workforce or a group of dissatisfied employees that you continuously […]

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How to Build a Business Identity Profile for Your Company
January 8, 2021

In order to create an effective brand, developing and maintaining a solid business identity is critical. Your business identity consists of all the visual elements that establish and reinforce your brand: logo, stationery, web design, marketing materials, signs, and more. What is a Brand Identity? Ultimately, this is the way your brand communicates with the […]

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Reexamine Your Brand When Setting 2021 Marketing Goals
January 4, 2021

Now is a great time to revamp your marketing initiatives and then craft an effective strategy for the new year. Planning now allows you to get the ball rolling quickly when you head back to work after the holidays. Here are some essential elements outlining the most critical actions you and your team should consider. […]

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How to Estimate Startup Costs for a New Business Venture
December 16, 2020

If 2021 is your year to finally start the new business you’ve been planning, we have some tips to help you estimate the costs to get that venture up and running. Calculating startup costs will help you:  –> Estimate Needed Cash on Hand  –> Secure Loans  –> Attract Investors  –> Find Potential Tax Deductions Step 1 | Identify Your […]

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